Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mind what you say....I just learnt it the hard way!!

The other day both the kids were being a bit too demanding...want this, want that types. I kept my cool, but couldn't resist doing a bit of lecturegiri on how we need to be grateful for what we have and the wise policy is to look at people who have lesser than you rather than who have more. Just the next day, when my daughter proudly showed me her test marks...she had got 15 on 20 and she was absolutely elated. In my excitement too I blurted out...what was the highest ( I have been struggling with this horrible habit for some time now )...and she just stared at me in the face and said " mum, I am going to tell u what was the Lowest...and not the highest!! Well, the lowest was 6 and ........got it!! well, so much for giving gyaan..

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