Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Carefulness as a HOM?

A friend of mine recently complained that she "seems to be getting old". Reason: She is constantly losing things. Although, as of date she has not lost anything of major significance, but has been frequently losing things like handkerchiefs, pens, little nik naks that she enjoys keeping in her hand bag, a couple of receipts , bills etc. I enquired if she has ever misplaced her cell phone ( it's almost always in her hand!! ) , to which she gave  a very assertive "No Way!! "

"There you go", I  said.  "Now you know why you are losing these so called 'small' things!!"

Actually, come to think of it, this is a basic human trait. We are automatically careful about the things we value.
If we value our health, we will be careful about what and how we eat.
if we value friends, we will take out time to keep in touch with them.
if we value time, we will be careful not to waste it.
If we value money, we will be careful about how we spend it.
If we value relationships, we will be careful not to break it.

Lets relate this to parenting. Lets see what are the responses we get for...
 If we value our children, we will be careful not to _____________( Fill in the blank )

To be continued....

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