Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not trying to motivate = motivation

This is what i experienced today, with my kids. My maid left earlier than usual today, it being Easter Sunday. Still sleepy i got off bed, thinking "Oh well, have to start by doing the beds in all 3 rooms". Without much thinking I called my kids and said " Lets see, who can make their room look neat n tidy fastest". Before i knew it, both were off to their rooms in a jiffy and the funny part is I too found myself hurrying, laughing and enjoying the process that I was dreading a couple of minutes back!! how can I keep them off that TV, I wonder??


  1. Wondering Akeela - does one needs to drive by "faster"? Are there other ways? What this does? Where is my locus of control?

    What If replaced with
    Sharing and clarifying with kids "I am tired today, I need help................
    I am feeling awful - I want to make making bed laughing? How all can I make making bed laughing?
    How much I can make in five minutes?
    How about one is pillow leader, one is bedsheets and one is laughing leader?

    My two cents

  2. What if one does not make the beds - but leave it to the kids to figure out if they want to make beds, at what freq, when, how. If you have a hygiene or neatness concern simply share it with them - but then leave it to them to decide how they want to sleep.

    1. i am trying this out at present with my kids. ashwin is in charge of tidying up the bed everyday. he does it in the morning, afternoon, or sometimes does not do it at all and they both are happy to enter the already ready bed and mosquito net. i am a spectator watching all this. want to be a spectator for sometime and just observe. same with folding clothes. ishan is in charge. he does it whenever he wants to. but i am observing..have left it to them to decide..have also shared my concern about how the clothes keep piling up if not folded and kept in the cupboard. will share experiences

  3. Hmm...interesting thoughts. The fact is that if the beds are not done, I personally will be very uncomfortable. Which just goes to show, that sometimes, in giving the child the freedom to choose to do something or not, the adult must first step out from their own comfort zones into challenge zones. Of course the easier option is to remain in the comfort zone and still get the job done ( guess that's what I did!)

  4. why one wants to keep the child OFF TV -
    My journey - - It is my need :)

    Trying to explore "how does child looks at it?"
    Report from our TV room
