Sunday, April 15, 2012

"If I Can, I will. If i can't don't push me"

Waiting outside a swimming pool in the hot sun is by no means an easy task! But the other day, I had the pleasent experience of witnessing
an inspiring incident. There was a girl..about 5 -6 year old who had come for the camp. I assume that it was her first time.
She refused to get in. What was amazing is that unlike other children she was very calm. No crying, no wailing. But still, no amount of pursuading by the instructor or the mum, worked. Mother was equally calm and composed. After about 20 -25 minutes the mum went and spoke something to he instructor and she left.
The next day the same process.Although they stood around for almost the whole one hour, the child refused to go in. Not even to sit and kick her legs in the water. All still calm. I was truly inspired by this mum. So I went up and spoke to her.
She replied that this was a part of a 'deal' that she had made with her daughter. According to the deal, the child would try her 'bestest' to get in the pool..saying "If I Can, I will. If i can't don't push me!!"
So the mum was hoping that if she keeps her part of the bargain the child would too.

My thoughts/learnings on this:
1. Trusting your child is so important. In fact trust building as an essential life skill begins here.
2. Even before trusting the child, trusting your own self and the belief that you are working from.
3. When I discussed this with a family member she said " But, how far can I, allow a child to take his/her time? Will this not lead to my child becoming complacent?"

I just can't wait to see how this will end. Will keep you posted!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not trying to motivate = motivation

This is what i experienced today, with my kids. My maid left earlier than usual today, it being Easter Sunday. Still sleepy i got off bed, thinking "Oh well, have to start by doing the beds in all 3 rooms". Without much thinking I called my kids and said " Lets see, who can make their room look neat n tidy fastest". Before i knew it, both were off to their rooms in a jiffy and the funny part is I too found myself hurrying, laughing and enjoying the process that I was dreading a couple of minutes back!! how can I keep them off that TV, I wonder??

Friday, April 6, 2012

Swinging back and forth!

The past 2 weeks have been a roller coaster ride for me. It all started with me and my preparation of the 20 minute "TED TALK" that we were asked to do. When I first heard it, about a month and a half ago, I secretely never thought I'll get this far. So I surprised my own self when I wrote my name in the slot to do the presentations. After the exasperation of the first one, I had this great feeling " Yes, I can do it".. types. After the 2nd and 3rd also went off reasonably well, I had this thought... " Maybe I am moving from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence! It was indeed an exciting thought... An exciting place to be in. Then again suddenly, yesterday I had this thought " Akeela, you still don't know anything". Being me, I soon changed that thought to " You still have a lot to learn". Yes, this is a much more relaxing eases a lot of stress. But I kind of enjoyed this roller coaster ride within me. Although at this stage, the phase of unconscious competence seems a distant reality...I for now am content with my progress so far and excited about what has to follow.