Thursday, May 31, 2012

Frustatingly challenging!!

Yesterday, my 10 yr old's favourite possession..his I-pod got disabled because his younger sister repeatedly typed the wrong pass code. After the initial exchange of words was over ( b/w the 3 of us!! ), I got down to serious thinking. I decieded to take this as an opportunity to familiarise myself with with how these things works and basically get myself more technology abled:). So we started off with thinking who we could approach for help...Maaz suggested his older cousin who is well versed in all this stuff. But that did not next choice..."call the Apple store"...Maaz suggested. We did that, got some technical support on the phone, did all that was told...still didn't work. Called up the store again today, found out there was some setting isssue due to which the process was unsuccessful. So again changed the settings and then redid the whole process...still didn't work. In all this, Maaz was by my side, observing what I was doing, suggesting what I should do. In the process, we learnt a couple of other stuff related to settings, how to tackle storage space issues etc etc. We did all this whole of yesterday evening and today morning. Uptill now I was I am beginning to get frustrated. Dunno what I'll do next......


  1. Am actually tempted to slip into my comfort zone.....take the i-pod to the store and say: "Here, do it for me"!!

  2. What you are saying is, that you took it up as a challenge and tried different options but it did not work. Now, the thought that you have not been able to crack it.. is quite frustating for you.
    You are also thinking of making the choice of taking it to the store to get it corrected.
    If you did take it to the store what would you be you be thinking about yourself?
    How would it affect you?
    Would this experience reinforce any belief you have about yourself? If so which one?
    Do share..

  3. Actually, Shubha, I don't think I was working from any belief...was just expressing what I was going through and because this past few days have been working on zones for my 20 minute presentaion...which I did just yesterday...I just connected it to that.
    I guess I will try it a couple of more times, and then take it to the store, if it still doesn't respond. I know I have given it my best shot, and maybe this particular problem is beyond my capability.

  4. Guys, guess what! We did it! Managed to restore the device. Feels gr8!! Guess my frustration was preventing me from thinking.....truly frustration zone is a no learning zone!!

  5. Subha - When I am in such positions my beleif "pass it to rat, he will do it with interest and joy, I will do with know."...

    Akeela - I can relate with you and your frustartion. I choose when I want to learn in my challenge zone and when I want to run away and delegate to rat -:)
    thanks for sharing

  6. If all the joy in life was related to the END result - then we will not eat so much ;-)
