Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is the desktop already obsolete??

Technology is constantly an amazing pace. We all know this, hear this. But it came as a big shock yesterday, when I was sitting on the desktop doing some work, when my son comes up behind me and says...."Mum, what are you doing on the comp??" As if to say...Why in the world do you need to use  that??!!

But truly, the sense of 'work' that I get when I sit on the desktop , is just not the same when I do the same thing, lying on the bed with a laptop or I pad. Somehow, I just don't get that feeling of having done something or accomplished some work that I had planned.

Which makes me the beauty of hard work...and the sweetness one experiences after getting its fruits. Specially, when you see that there are many who are getting the same or similar work done with more ease and fewer difficulties. The sweetness of the fruits undoubtedly depends on the amount one had worked for it.....knowing that with today's technological advancements, its quite possible to get a fruit without actually  putting in much effort.

So , I guess, the desktop is still not obsolete, is it??