Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Every Bad news is Good news!

The news of a house maid/cook/driver leaving is not a very welcome news for most women. Yes, we have only ourselves to blame for this...we have made ourselves partially or sometimes even wholly dependant on them. But nonetheless it is a painful news to digest.

Well, for me it even went a step further. I was ...for the past few months, refusing to step out of my comfort zone and was constantly ignoring all the misdeeds of my maid, only because I didn't want to be without one. The thought of maid hunting was just too much for me to think about...or rather I didn't want to think about. But finally, the pot burst and I had to bid her adieu.

That done...I stared ahead as to what lay ahead.  Don't get me wrong, I am not afraid of doing household work...what I was dreading is that it would prevent me from doing what I enjoy doing more. This is when I realized that how a bad news can be a good news.

I had never imagined my kids, 11 and 8 to be so charged up about taking responsibility and getting things done around the house. They were making beds, laying tables, ironing uniforms, polishing shoes, dusting and even sweeping n swabbing.....all of which I was very recently wanting my kids to help with. But with a maid around to do these for them, they were not interested in taking up the task.

Today, Zoya insisted on cleaning the kitchen, saying" Mum, this is my job, its my resposibility."

Truly, God has His ways of teaching us. Reminds me of the verse in the Quran,, the gist of which is " You may like a thing which is bad for you and you may dislike a thing which is good for you. And God knows, while you know not".